Welcome to West Midlands Solicitors

All Areas of Law Covered

Personal Injury Specialists
Speak to one of the personal injury team who deal with claims on a no win no fee basis who are dedicated to getting you the absolute maximum compensation you deserve.

Local & Multilingual
24hr Emergency
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West Midlands Office
Graphic House
15-18 New Road
West Midlands
WV13 2BG
t: 01902 368568
f: 01902 368567
Stoke-on-Trent Office
1 Cemetery Road
t: 01782 414031
f: 01782 844456
Fully Accredited
West Midlands Solicitors are Law Society Criminal Litigation Accredited, a member of The Criminal Defence Service and also Lexcel Law Society Accredited. This Firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority SRA No. 661586.